This is page eight of the 1916 Colt manual for the M1911 pistol.

Keyword: 1911
This is page eight of the 1916 Colt manual for the M1911 pistol.
This is the seventh page from the Colt manual on the 1911 pistol. This manual is from 1916.
This is the incredible page six of the 1916 Colt manual for the 1911 pistol.
This is the fifth page from the Colt 1911 manual published in 1916.
This is page four of the original 1916 Colt 1911 pistol manual.
This is the third page in the Colt Government Model manual from 1916.
This is the second page from the 1916 Colt manual for the 1911 pistol.
This is the title page from a 1916 Colt manual for the 1911 .45 ACP pistol.
This is the cover from a 1916 Colt manual for the 1911 (aka Caliber .45 Government Model) pistol. This is the actual manual from 1916.
The Commercial Colt Caliber .45 Automatic Pistol Manual, ca. 1916 – Table of Contents