CHAPTER 2 MANUAL OF THE PISTOL, LOADING AND FIRING, DISMOUNTED AND MOUNTED SECTION I. General II. Dismounted Ill. Mounted Paragraphs 27 28-37 38-44 SECTION I GENERAL • 27. GENERAL.-a. The movements herein described differ in purpose from the manual of arms for the rifle in that they are not designed to be executed in exact unison. Further- more, with only a few exceptions, there is no real necessity for their simultaneous execution. They are not therefore planned as a disciplinary drill to be executed in cadence with snap and precision, but merely as simple, quick, and safe methods of handling the pistol.-Commands are pre- scribed only for such movements as may be occasionally executed simultaneously by the squad or larger unit. • b. In general, movements begin and end at the position of RAISE PISTOL. c. Commands for firing, when-required, are limited to commence firing and cease firing. d. Grocers and enlisted men armed with the pistol remain at the position of ATTENTION during the manual of arms, except when their units are presented to their commanders or are presented during ceremonies, at retreat, and at guard mounting. In such cases they execute the hand salute at the command of execution ARMS of 1. present 2. ARMS, and resume the position of attention at the command of execution of the next command. e. The lanyard is used whenever the pistol is carried mounted. The lanyard should be of such length that the arm may be fully extended without constraint.

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