AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 each man undergoing instruction brings his pistol from raise pistol to the aiming position, aims, fires one shot (simulated fire), and returns his piece to the position of raise pistol. After three or four scores of simulated fire the men of each pair are directed to change places. (7) The coach watches carefully the man going through the exercises and corrects all errors in the grip, position, hold- ing the breath, trigger squeeze, and the manipulation of the piece, paying particular attention to the trigger squeeze. It is advisable to extend the time limit about two seconds for each shot when quick-firing exercise is first taken up. The time is then gradually reduced until it corresponds to the time prescribed for range firing, record practice. (8) When disappearing targets cannot be provided for this exercise it may be held with stationary E targets. The com- mand m, is given to signify that the targets are in sight, and the command down to signify that they have been withdrawn. (9) Practice in quick fire should be held frequently, but the periods of practice should not be of long duration. (I0) If the range is some distance from the area desig- nated for preparatory exercises, or it is impracticable to arrange for a line of bobbing targets, L targets may be substi- tuted for the bobbing targets. • 51. Sixth STEP; examination.-At the completion of the preparatory instruction, the instructor should assure himself by an examination that every man understands thoroughly and can explain every phase of the preparatory training. The questions and answers given below are merely examples. Each man should be required to explain each item in his own words. Instructor: Examine your pistol to see that it is unloaded. Q. What are the safety devices of the pistol? A. The safety lock, the grip safety, the hall-cock notch, and the disconnector. Q. Show me how you test the safety lock. A. I cock the pistol, move the safety lock up into place, and then grip the stock and see if the hammer remains up when pressure is applied to the trigger. Q. Show me how you test the grip safety. ,4. I cock the pistol, see that the safety lock is down and then, without putting any pressure on the grip safety, I see if the hammer

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