AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL. .45, M1911 AND M1911A1 11-12 ture absorbed by the leather from the atmosphere, even though the holster may appear to be perfectly dry. If the holster is wet and the pistol must be carried therein, cover the pistol with a thick coat of oiL 1. The hammer should not be snapped when the pistol is partially disassembled. g. The trigger should be pulled with the forefinger. If the trigger Is pulled with the second finger, the forefinger extending along the aide of the receiver is apt to press against the projecting pin of the slide stop and cause a malfunction when the slide recoils. h. Pressure on the trigger must be released sufficiently after each shot to permit the trigger to reengage the sear. i. To remove cartridges not fired, disengage the magazine slightly and then extract the cartridge in the barrel by drawing back the slide. j. Care should be taken to see that the magazine is not dented or otherwise damaged. k. Care must be exercised in inserting the magazine to insure Its engaging with the magazine catch. Never insert the magazine and strike it smartly with the hand to force it home, as this may spring the base or the inturning lips at the top. It should be inserted by a quick continuous movement. SECTION IV FUNCTIONING • 12. METHOD OF OPERATION.-a. A loaded magazine is placed in the receiver and the slide drawn fully back and released, thus bringing the first cartridge into the chamber. (If the slide is open push down the slide stop to let the slide go for- ward.) The hammer is thus cocked and the pistol is ready for firing. b. If it is desired to make the pistol ready for instant use and for firing the maximum number of shots with the least possible delay, draw back the slide, insert a cartridge by hand into the chamber of the barrel, allow the slide to close, then lock the slide and the cocked hammer by pressing the safety lock upward and insert a loaded magazine. The slide and hammer being thus positively locked, the pistol may be carried

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