AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 26. TESTS.-a. Safety lock.—Cock the hammer and then press the safety lock upward into the safe position. Grasp the stock so that the grip safety is depressed and squeeze the trigger three or four times. If the hammer falls, the safety lock is not safe and must be repaired. b. Grip safety.—Cock the hammer and, being careful not to depress the grip safety, point pistol downward and squeeze the trigger three or four times. If the hammer falls or the grip safety is depressed by its own weight, the grip safety Is not safe and must be repaired. c. Half-cock notch.—Draw back the hammer until the sear engages the haft-cock notch and squeeze the trigger. If the hammer falls, the hammer or sear must be replaced or repaired. Draw the hammer back nearly to full cock and then let it slip. It should fall only to haft cock. d. Disconnector.-Cock the hammer. Shove the slide one- quarter inch to the rear; hold slide in that position and squeeze the trigger. Let the slide go forward, maintaining the pressure on the trigger. If the hammer falls, the dis- connector is worn on top and must be replaced. Pull the slide all the way to the rear and engage the slide stop. Squeeze the trigger and at the same time release the slide. The hammer should not fail. Release the pressure on the trigger and then squeeze it. The hammer should then fall The disconnector prevents the release of the hammer unless the slide and barrel are in the forward position safely inter- locked. It also prevents more than one shot following each squeeze of the trigger.

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