- Carry Modes
- Concealed Carry in Hot Weather
- Concealed Carry and Terrorist Threats
- Cooper vs. Terrorism
- Cops and Guns
- Defensive Pistol Practice and Training
- Examples of Armed Citizens Coming to the Aid of Officers in Peril
- The Goal of the Gunman
- Have gun. Will carry.
- Lateral Movement While Shooting
- The Moral Side of Lethal Force
- A Nonpartisan Story of Equality
- Pistol Packin’
- The Psychology of Self Defense and the Force Continuum
- Raging Against Self Defense
- Rules for a Gunfight
- Selecting a Pistol for Concealed Carry
- Selecting a Holster for Concealed Carry
- Six Days of the American Pistol Institute
- The Will to Win
- Wearing my Handgun into my Doctor’s Office
- When Being a Good Guy Isn’t Good Enough
- Why Concealed Carry?
Comments, suggestions, contributions? Let me know