AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 that the firing points of the rifle range and of the pistol range are on one line. There should be about 50 yards interval between the rifle range and the pistol range. The targets may be placed on the ground instead of in pits. The bobbing targets are arranged to revolve on their own axis and are operated from behind the firing line by means of cords. When the targets are to be marked the whole line ceases firing, unloads pistols, and moves up to the targets to record the hits and paste the shot holes. In slow fire the coach can keep the firer informed as to the location of his hits by use of field glasses. c. When the time is short and range facilities and proper supervision permit, rifle firing and dismounted pistol firing may be carried on at the same time. While one group is firing on the rifle range the other is firing on the pistol range. As the men complete a score with the rifle they move to the pistol range and their places at the rifle firing point are Riled by men who have completed a score of pistol firing. As soon as all men present have completed their scores with the rifle the whole group moves back to the next firing point (moving the pistol targets if necessary) and continue as before with the alternate rifle and pistol firing. d. The pistol targets may be placed so that the line of fire is at right angles to the line of fire of the rifle range if the terrain permits. When it is not practicable to have pistol firing and rifle firing at the same time, other means will be adopted to keep the men occupied while they are not actually firing or coaching. • 58. TARGET Details.-The personnel for the supervision, operation, and scoring of targets during recorded firing consists of officers, noncommissioned officers, and privates as follows: a. One commissioned officer assigned to each four targets. The officer will take up and sign each duplicate score card as soon as a complete score is recorded. b. One noncommissioned officer assigned to each target to enter scores on the duplicate score cards and to direct and supervise the detail pasting the target. This noncommis- sioned officer will be select except at a 1-company post,

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