AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 correctly in range practice he did not press the trigger properly and consequently did not know where the sights were pointed when the hammer fell. 0. Trigger-squeeze exercises.-(1) First exercise.-(a) Re- quired for this exercise: A line of L targets with a firing point at 25 yards. (b) Give the command: 1. INSPECTION. 2. PISTOL, and verify the fact that all pistols are unloaded. (c) The squad leader explains to his squad the details of this exercise which are— 1. Cock and lock the piece. 2. Take the correct grip. 3. Take the correct position. 4. Aline the sights on the target and start the squeeze, gradually increasing the pressure on the trigger until all the strength of the hand is employed. 5. Rest the hand. 6. Repeat the above operation with the piece unlocked. 7. Call the shot. (d) The squad leader assures himself that all the men understand the details of this exercise. The work is then carried on by pairs working together, coach and pupil Members of the squad should change over frequently to avoid tiring the muscles of the arm. Extended trigger- squeeze exercise is necessary and the periods should be short but frequent. (e) The duties of the coach are to– 1. See that the firer takes the correct grip. 2. See that the firer takes a correct position. 3. Watch the hand of the firer to see that he is grad- ually increasing the pressure on the trigger. 4. See that the firer rests his shooting hand after having unlocked the piece. 5. See that the firer calls the shot when the exercise is repeated with the piece unlocked. (2) Second exercise.-(a) Give the command: 1. INSPEC- TION, 2. PISTOL, and verify the fact that all pistols are unloaded. (b) The squad leader explains tO his squad the details of this exercise, which are— 1. Cock the piece.

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