AUTOMATIC PISTOL CAL .45, M1911 AND M1911A1 This throws out the faulty cartridge and loads in another cartridge. Q. Are there any points about pistol firing that you do not understand? Note.-In all the demonstrations by the man undergoing exami- nation the instructor carefully notes all points that are covered in the preparatory exercises. Each man is put through a thorough test along the line indicated in these questions and answers before he is allowed to fire. SECTION II COURSES TO BE FIRED 52. GENERAL.-AR 775–10 prescribes details as to who will fire and ammunition allowances. 53. INSTRUCTION practice.-The following tables prescribe the firing in instruction practice in the order followed by the individual soldier. Target L is used in much of the practice as the bull’s-eye makes competition keener and shows up errors as no other target can. a. Slow fire. Unlimited time is permitted for slow fire in order to permit proper explanation of the causes of errors and indication of corresponding remedies. It is intended to be the elementary phase of instruction in the proper manipulation of the weapon and for determining and correcting the personal errors of the firer.

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