AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 target is marked and the fixer given that value for each shot fixed by him. q. Score cards and scoring.m(1) Entries on all score cards are made in ink or with indelible pencil. No alteration or correction is made on the card except by the organization commander, who initials each alteration or correction made. (9.) The scores at each firing point are kept by a noncom- missioned officer of some organization other than that firing on the target to which he is assigned, except in case of a 1-company garrison when company officers exercise special care to insure correct scoring. As soon as a score is com- pleted the score card is signed by the scorer, taken up and signed by the officer supervising the scoring, and turned over to the organization commander. Except when required for entering new scores on the range, score cards are re- tained in the personal possession of the organization com- mander and not allowed in the hands of an enlisted man from the beginning of record practice until the required reports of range practice have been rendered. (3) In the pit the officer keeps the scores for the targets to which he is assigned. As soon as a score is completed he signs the score card. He turns these cards over to the organization commander at the end of the day’s firing or at such times as requested. (4) Upon completion of record fixing and after the quail- fication order is issued the pit score cards of each man are attached to his official score card kept at the fixing point. These cards are kept available for inspection among the company records for one year and then destroyed. • 60. Computing Scores.-The soldier’s individual score is computed on a percentage basis. The soldier’s percentage in firing each of the tables listed in paragraph 54 is calculated separately, then the sum of these percentages is divided by three to give the final average percentage. • 61. Classification.-a. The individual classification to be attained and the method of determining qualification are as prescribed in AR 775-10. Firers are classified as pistol experts, pistol sharpshooters, pistol marksmen, and un- qualified.

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