AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 2. GENERAL DATA.—a. Dimensions. (1) Barrel. Caliber of bore …. _inches__ 0.45 Number of grooves__ 6 Twist in rifling, uniform L. H., one turn in inches_ _ 16 Length of barrel ……… do_. 5.03 (2) Pistol. Overall length of pistol …………. inches__ 8.593 Height of front sight above axis of bore__ do__ 0. 5597 b. Weights. Weight of pistol with magazine ……. pounds__ 2.437 Weight of loaded magazine, 7 rounds (approx- imate) __ do__ 0.481 Weight of empty magazine …………. do__ 0. 156 c. Trigger pull. Pistols, new or repaired ……… pounds__ 5½ to 61/2 Pistols, in hands of troops ………… do__ 5 to 61/2 d. Exterior ballistics.–(1) Accuracy with muzzle rest.– The figures indicated below represent the mean variations for several targets. Mean radius Inches 0.86 1.36 2.24 Mean verti- cal deviation Inches 0. 62 0.91 1.42 (2) Drift.–The drift or deviation due to the rifling in this pistol is to the left, but is more than neutralized by the pull of the trigger when the pistol is fired from the right hand. The drift is slight at short ranges and that for long ranges is immaterial, inasmuch as the pistol is a comparatively short-range weapon.

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