including grading and use, reports on condition, functioning
and accidents, in which the ammunition might be involved.
Only those lots of grades appropriate for the weapon will be
fired. Since it is impractical to mark the ammunition lot
number on each individual cartridge, every effort will be made to maintain the ammunition lot number with the cartridges once they axe removed from their original packing. Car- tridges which have been removed from the original packing and for which the ammunition lot number has been lost are placed in grade 3. It is therefore obvious that when car- tridges are removed from their original packings they should be so marked that the ammunition lot number is preserved.
• 20. GRADE.-AR 775–10 provides for the order in which lots
and grades of ammunition are to be used. Ordnance Field
Service Bulletin No. 3–5 lists numerically every lot of small-
arms ammunition with its correct grade as established by the
office of the Chief of Ordnance. Only lots of proper grade
will be fired. Grade 3 indicates unserviceable, ammunition
and will not be fired.
• 21. Identification.-a. Markings.-The contents of orig-
inal boxes are readily identified by the markings on the box.
Similar markings on the carton label identify the contents
of each carton.
b. Color bands.—Color bands painted on the sides and
ends of the packing boxes further identify the various types
of ammunition. The following color bands are used:
Cartridge, ball Red.
Cartridge, dummy Green.
c. Types and models.–One model of caliber .45 ball car-
tridge and one model of caliber .45 dummy cartridge are authorized for use in the caliber .45 automatic pistol. These cartridges are designated- (1) Cartridge, ball, cal..45, M1911. (2) Cartridge, dummy, cal..45, M1921. The dummy cartridge is distinguished by its cartridge case which is tinned and has a 1/8-lnch hole in the body. • 22. CARE, HANDLING, AND PRESERVATION.—a. Small-arms ammunition as compared with other types is not dangerous

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