AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL. .45, M1911 AND M1911A1 f. Do not allow the ammunition to be exposed to the direct rays of the sun for any length of time. This is liable to affect seriously its firing qualities. g. No caliber .45 ammunition will be fired until it has been positively identified by ammunition lot number and grade as published in the latest revision or change to Ordnance Field Service Bulletin No. 3-5. • 23. STORAGE.-a. Whenever practicable small-arms ammu- nition should be stored under cover. Should it become nec- essary to leave small-arms ammunition in the open it should be raised on dunnage at least 6 inches from the ground and the pile covered with a double thickness of paulin. ” Suitable trenches should be dug to prevent water flowing under the pile. b. Fire hazard.-If fired into or placed in a fire, small-arms ammunition does not explode violently. There are small in- dividual explosions of each cartridge, the case flying in one direction and the bullet in another. In case of fire it is ad- visable to keep those not engaged in fighting the fire at least 200 yards from the fire and have them lie on the ground. It is unlikely that the bullets and cases will fly over 200 yards. • 24. BALLISTIC DATA.-a. Average velocity at 25 feet from muzzle, 800 feet per second. b. Approximate maximum range, 1,600 yards. SECTION VII INDIVIDUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • 25. RULES FOR SAFETY.-Before ball ammunition is issued, the soldier must know the essential rules for safety with the pistol. The following rules are taught as soon as the recruit is sufficiently familiar with the pistol to understand them. They should be enforced by constant repetition and coaching until their observance becomes the soldier’s fixed habit when handling the pistol When units carrying the pistol are first formed, the officer or noncommissioned officer in charge causes the men to execute INSPECTION PISTOL. a. Execute UNLOAD every time the pistol is picked up for any purpose. Never trust your memory. Consider every pistol as loaded until you have proved it otherwise.

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