AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 the pistol on the target by muscular effort for each shot. Any unnecessary tensing of any of the muscles of the hand, arm, or body will cause tremors and should therefore be avoided. b. Position exercise.-(1) Required for this exercise: A line of L targets with firing points at 15 and 25 yards, or a line of small aiming bull’s-eyes placed at the height of the shoulder. (2) The men, armed with the pistol, are placed in one line at 1-pace intervals. Give the command: 1. INSPECTION, 2. PISTOL, and verify the fact that all pistols are unloaded. FIGURE 12.—Position of the body. (3) Demonstrate the position of the hand in gripping the stock and describe the grip in detail. (4) Require each man to grip the stock of his pistol in the prescribed manner, using the free hand to grasp the barrel and set the stock well back in the pistol hand between the thumb and the first finger. (5) Describe the correct method of holding the breath while aiming and require each man to practice it a few times.

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