By Scott Smith

Long known as the Mecca of shooting schools, Gunsite Training Center could soon be know for its Custom Shop’s work. Headed by Ted Yost the Smithy Shop builds firearms that do one thing, go bang when the trigger is squeezed. This is the most important feature of any firearm, be it duty, self-defense or competition. The shop limits its work to real world handguns, race guns need not be sent here.
Needless to say the preferred handgun is the 1911, but the Smithy will do a nifty job on a High Power, a Remington 870, and when it breaks pretty much whatever the students are using. This does not mean you may not have to wait a day or so if you need parts to fix you blaster if you are attending Gunsite for a course, have no fear the shop probably has a pistol or two to loan out.

As the shop’s work has progressed, they are now building 1911s that work and at reasonable prices. The bread and butter model is the GSP, Gunsite Service Pistol. Sporting what a fighting firearm needs and nothing else this is a kick ass deal at $995.
So what does a little over a grand with shipping get you, first of all a 1911 that goes bang, each and every time you pull the trigger. But you want more, okay here goes;
Novak front and rear sights with Trijicon tritium inserts, high ride, posi-grip beavertail, single side tactical thumb safety, all sharp corners beveled and broken, F/R cocking serrations, hand fitted slide to frame and hand fitted barrel and bushing. Topping off the package are the laser etched Gunsite logo stocks.

As for the shooting of this pistol, it will shoot 3″ groups at 25 yards no problem.
“Ah,” you say, ” That’s terrible for a competition pistol.” A Bullseye gun this ain’t. It is a duty/self-defense piece, and that is combat accurate; bearing in mind the primary function of this is to make a loud noise every time the trigger is pulled. Will it shoot better, yes. With nearly 20 different loadings at 15 yards this pistol shot on the average of 2″ or less for 8 rounds offhand. That should meet the needs for an IPSC, IDPA and duty/self-defense pistol. Check out Gunsite’s web page for more details,
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