AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 shoulder, inserting the right forefinger in the trigger guard during the movement and holding the breath. To bring the pistol through the arc of a circle to the aiming position is an unnecessary loss of valuable time. (4) For succeeding shots the sights should be held as nearly on the mark as possible and the breath held throughout the score. The recoil after each shot will throw the sights out of alignment, but they should be brought back immediately to the mark by the shortest route. The recoil should cause a vertical movement of the firing arm upward, the hand moving only 6 to 8 inches. There should be no snapping or bending of the wrist or elbow. The sights will then come back auto- matically on the mark after each shot. To give the pistol a flourish between shots is a useless loss of time. (5) To simulate the self-loading action of the automatic pistol take a strong cord about 4 feet long and tie one end to the thumbpiece of the hammer, the knot on top. Take a few turns of the other end of the cord around the thumb or fingers of the left hand. The cord should be long enough to permit the left hand to hang naturally at the side while aim- ing the pistol with the right hand, right arm fully extended. (6) Each time the hammer falls a quick backward jerk of the left hand re-cocks the pistol and at the same time jerks the sights out of alignment with the bull’s-eye. This derange- ment of the alignment corresponds very closely to the jump of the pistol when actually firing. (7) If the knot is underneath the hammer or if a very thick cord is used the hammer will not remain cocked when jerked back. b. Rapid-fire exercise.-(1) Required for this exercise: A piece of strong cord 4 1/2 feet long for each man; a row of L targets or a row of aiming bull’s-eyes. (2) Give the command: I. INSPECTION 2. PISTOL, and verify the fact that all pistols are unloaded. (3) Explain to the assembled command that the trigger squeeze is the same in rapid fire as in slow fire. (4) Demonstrate the correct method of bringing the pistol by the shortest route to the aiming position. Show how this is done from raise pistol and in drawing the pistol from the holster in an emergency.

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