AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 shots necessary to complete the score are fired at the first opportunity thereafter. h. Misses.-In all firing before any miss is recorded _the target is carefully examined by an officer. i. Accidental discharges,.-All shots fired by the soldier after he has taken his place on the firing line (and it is his turn to fire, the target being ready) are considered in his score even if his piece was not directed toward the target or is accidentally discharged. j. Firing on wrong target.-Snots fired upon the wrong target are entered as misses upon the score of the man firing no matter what the value of the hits upon the wrong target may be: In rapid fire the soldier at fault is credited with only such hits as he may have made on his own target. k. Two shots on same target.-In slow fire, if two shots strike a target at the same time or nearly the same time, and If one of these shots was fired from the firing point assigned to that target, the hit having the highest of the two values is entered on the soldier’s score and no record is made of the other hit. l. Withdrawing target prematurely.-In slow fire, if the target Is withdrawn from the firing position Just as the shot Is fired, the scorer at that firing point at once reports the fact to the officer in charge of the scoring on that target. That officer investigates to see if the case is as represented. Being satisfied that such is the case, he directs that the shot be not considered and that the man fire another shot. m. Missfires.-In case of a misfire in rapid fire or quick fire the soldier ceases firing and takes the position of raised pis- tol. In rapid fire the target Is not marked and the score Is repeated. In quick fire the score is continued after the defective cartridge has been replaced. n. Unused cartridges in rapid fire.-Each unfired cartridge is recorded as a miss. o. Disabled pistol.-If during the firing of a rapid or quick fire score, the pistol becomes disabled through no fault of the firer, the procedure outlined in m is followed. p. More than five shots in rapid fire.-When a target has more than five hits in rapid fire, the target is not marked, except when all the hits have the same value, when the

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