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- 40 Reasons for Gun Control – The most sensible arguments I have seen yet for gun control
- All The Way Down The Slippery Slope Gun Prohibition In England And Some Lessons For Civil Liberties In America By Dave Kopel
- Anti-Gunners Shamelessly Exploit September 11 Tragedies – Question: What do gun shows have to do with the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center? Answer: Nothing, but that doesn’t stop the gun grabbers from trying to exploit these tragedies with lies and deception to further their corrupt agenda.
- Academics Say Gun Laws Counter Productive – This is the text of a letter sent to members of Congress by 290 scholars who say more gun controls are not the answer to the nation’s crime problems.
- A Critical Guide To The Second Amendment
- Al Gore’s Campaign Platform on Gun Control – by John Marshall
- Articles by Prof. John Lott, Jr. – This is a collection of essays and newspaper articles by the author of “More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws.”
- Assault Weapons Ban of 1994
- Banning guns: It’s a good thing! – There are 10 Really Good Reasons to Ban Guns
- Check Your Gun Mister – Are We Safer than the Citizens of Dodge City? By Jim Higginbotham
- Christians and Guns – Theological and scriptural perspectives on armed self defense.
- Contemporary Thinkers Comments on the Militia
- Creating Hysteria About Guns by Prof. John Lott, Jr. – “Across the nation, those entrusted with the care of children have transformed firearms into a symbol of menace and evil, attempting to purge guns from the consciousness of kids, even when all admit doing so would in no way improve safety.”
- Concealed Carry and Terrorist Threats By Syd
- Cooper Vs. Terrorism by Jeff Cooper – Your best protector is you!
- Does God Believe in Gun Control? by Dave Kopel
- Dr. Alan Keyes on Second Amendment Rights – This is from a speech made by Dr. Keyes. It is a beautiful statement of why the Second Amendment is so important and why the gun grabbers are all wet and dead wrong.
- Eating Away at the Fabric of Freedom By Dave Kopel – Why gun rationing is wrong, unconstitutional, ineffective, and a threat to our civil rights
- Effects of Gun Prohibition in Australia – Facts and figures on the rise in crime and and failure of gun control in Australia.
- Favorite Quotes from Jeff Cooper
- Gun Violence, By Syd
- Guns, Gangs, And Preschools: Moving Beyond Conventional Solutions to Confront Juvenile Violence by Dave Kopel
- GunCite – An excellent collection of RKBA and 2nd Amendment info, studies, and fact.
- Gun Manufacturer Fell for Smoke Screen by Lisa Dean
- Extreme Prejudice: How The Media Misrepresents The Militia Movement
- The Ideology of Gun Control in the United States by David Kopel (PDF file)
- John Kerry Votes on Guns
- My Favorite Gun Quotes – What did Mahatma Gandhi, St. Thomas Aquinas, John F. Kennedy, and the Dalai Lama say?
- My Home Defense – A low-tech approach to home defense in a high tech world by Ben Sechrist
- The Nineteen Eleven Effect – L. Neil Smith reflects on the stupidity and futility of gun control
- No King but Jesus – Gun Control in the American Colonies by Jim Higginbotham
- The Impact of the Swiss Civilian Militia On Hitler’s War Plans
- Raging Against Self Defense – A Psychiatrist Examines The Anti-Gun Mentality
- Remember New Orleans by Wayne LaPierre
- Survey of Police Officers in Lehigh and Northampton Counties Pennsylvania
- The Battle of Athens, Tennessee – As Recently As 1946, American Citizens Were Forced To Take Up Arms As A Last Resort Against Corrupt Government Officials.
- Violence Increases in Wake of British Gun Ban – What has gun prohibition done for the British?
- What did the Founders mean by “Militia”? Get it from the horse’s mouth. The Founders knew the difference between a militia and a standing army.
- What is the “Militia”? And Who are “The People”? by Dave LaCourse
- Where Is The Militia? By Larry Pratt
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