use In making minor repairs, and m general care of the pistol. Sets of spare parts should be kept complete at all times. Whenever a spare part is taken to replace a defective part in the pistol, the defective part should be repaired or a “new one substituted in the spare part set as soon as pos- sible. The allowance of these spare parts is prescribed in SNL B-6. b. Basic spare parts.-These are sets of parts provided for the use of ordnance maintenance companies and include all parts necessary to repair the pistol. The allowance of basic spare parts is prescribed in the addendum to SNL B-6. • 16. Accessories.-The names or general characteristics of many of the accessories required with the automatic pistol indicate their use and application. They consist of the holster, lanyard, and pistol cleaning kit, and for post, camp, or station issue, arm lockers and arm racks. The pistol cleaning kit contains cleaning brushes and rods, pistol screw- drivers, an oiler, and a small brass can in which the set of spare parts is carried. • 17. GENERAL.-The information in this section pertaining to the ammunition authorized for use in the automatic pistol, cal..45, M1911 and M1911A1, includes a description of the cartridges, means of identification, care, use, and ballistic data. ,• 18. CLASSIFICATION.—The types of ammunition provided for this pistol are– a. Ball, for use against personnel and light materiel targets. b. Dummy, for training (cartridges are Inert). • 19. AMMUNITION LOT NUMBER.-When ammunition is man- ufactured an ammunition lot number which becomes an essential part of the marking is assigned in accordance with pertinent specifications. This lot number is marked on all packing containers and on the Identification card inclosed in each packing box. It is required for all purposes of record,

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