AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 (b) Show the amount of force used in gripping the stock by grasping the pupil’s hand, saying: “This is too tight a grip” (gripping his hand very tightly). “This is too loose a grip ” (gripping his hand loosely). “This is the right amount of force to use in gripping the stock ” (gripping his hand with the firm but comfortable grip that should be used in shooting). (c) Explain and demonstrate the position of the body, the feet, and the arm (par. 47 and fig. 12), and have the pupil assume this position. (d) Explain the proper method of aiming. (e) Explain that any man can aim and hold well enough for a good score. Have the pupil assume the proper posi- tion and aim at the target with an empty pistol without attempting to press the trigger to see how long he can hold the sights on or near the bull’s-eye. Explain to him that this aiming at the target with an empty gun demonstrates how near to the center his bullets will strike provided he presses the trigger properly. (f) Explain the proper method of pressing the trigger. (g) Have the pupil aim at the target with an empty pistol and then press the trigger for him several times as de- scribed in d below (fig. 13), directing the pupil to call the shot each time the hammer falls. (h) Have the pupil aim at the target with a loaded pistol and then press the trigger for him as described in d below, directing him to call the shot each time the piece is fired. Fire a score of five shots in this way. (i) Have the pupil fire a score of five shots, pressing the trigger himself to see if he can press the trigger properly and make as good a score as the one made when the coach pressed the trigger. d. Squeezing the trigger.–One method of showing the men under instruction how to squeeze the trigger properly is to have him hold and aim the pistol while the coach presses the trigger. This is done in the following manner: (1) The coach demonstrates the value of correct trigger press to the student by placing his hands in the position shown in figure 13 and pressing on the end of the pupil’s trigger finger with his left thumb. The coach cautions the

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