AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 b. In case of a tie occurring at the dividing line between classifications, all who tie are given the higher classification and the percentage of the lower classification is reduced accordingly. SECTION IV KNOWN-DISTANCE TARGETS AND RANGES: RANGE PRECAUTIONS • 62. Targets.-a. Target E.-Target E is a drab silhouette about the height of a soldier in a kneeling position made of bookbinder’s board or other similar material (fig. 14). Hits are valued at 1. Any shot cutting the edge of the target is a hit. b. Target E-bobbing.-Target E–bobbing is so arranged as to be fully exposed to the firer for a limited time, edge of target toward firer when target is not exposed (fig. 15). c. Target L.-Target L is a rectangle 6 feet high and 4 feet wide, with black circular bull’s-eye 5 inches in diameter and seven outer rings (fig. 16). Value of hits in the bull’s-eye, 10. The diameter of each ring and value of hits are as follows:

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