AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 from an organization other than the one firing on the target which he supervises. When the post is garrisoned by a single company so that it is impossible to detail noncommis- sioned officers of other companies to supervise the marking and scoring, those duties are performed by the noncommis- sioned officers of the firing company. c. One or two privates to operate, mark, and paste each target. d. When the targets are not placed in pits, target details may be reduced to one commissioned officer for each four targets, one noncommissioned officer for not to exceed each two targets, and one private to each target. e. The noncommissioned officer examines the target after each score is fired and enters the score on the score card, Initialing same. He directs the private to paste the target after the score is recorded and marked and examines the target to see that no shot holes are left unpasted. 59. Regulations Governing Record Practice.-a. Coaching prohibited.-Coaching of any nature, after the firer takes his place on the firing point, is prohibited No person may render or attempt to render the firer any assistance whatever while he Is taking his position or after he has taken his position at the firing point. Each firer must observe the location of his own hits. b. Shelter for firer.–Sheds or shelter for the firer are not permitted on any range. c. Cleaning.-Cleaning is permitted only between scores. d. Gloves.-A glove may be worn on either or both hands. e. Pieces loaded on command-Pieces are not loaded ex- cept by command or until position for firing has been taken. f. Shots cutting edge of bull’s-eye or line.-Any shot cut- ting the edge of the figure or bull’s-eye is signaled and re- corded as a hit in the figure or the bull’s-eye. Because the limiting line of each division of the target Is the outer ,edge of the line separating it from the exterior division, a shot touching this line is signaled and recorded as a hit in the higher division. g. Slow fire score interrupted.-If a slow tire score is in- terrupted through no fault of the person firing the unfired

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