AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 pupil neither to assist nor resist the pressure which is put on the end of his trigger finger but to devote his whole attention to his aim and hold. (2) The coach must be careful to apply a slow, steady pressure to the finger of the pupil and at the same time not interfere with the pupil’s aim while applying this pres- sure. As a rule, the coach should consume from § to 10 seconds in putting sufficient pressure on the pupil’s finger to fire the pistol. (3) When pressing the trigger for a pupil as above de- scribed the coach should hold his head well to the rear to keep from having his left ear too near the muzzle of the piece. (4) If the firer shows a tendency to apply the last part of the squeeze himself by giving the trigger a sudden pressure, he is directed to place his finger below the trigger guard, and the coach applies the pressure directly to the trigger instead of through the finger of the man under instruction. e. Calling the shot.-Men should be required to call each shot in slow fire. If a man does not call the shot immedi- ately after firing, the coach directs him to do so. f. Coaching rapid fire.-(1) The firing of scores with dummy cartridges and service ammunition mixed is a very valuable form of rapid-fire practice. The coach fills the

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