42. To load PISTOL–The commands are: 1. LOAD, 2. PISTOL. At the command pistol lower the pistol into the bridle hand. If a loaded magazine is not already in the pistol, insert one. Grasp the stock with the right hand, back of the hand down, and thrust upward and to the left front; release the slide and engage the safety lock. • 43. To UNLOAD PISTOL–The commands are: 1. UNLOAD, 2. PISTOL. At the command pistol, withdraw the magazine. Open the chamber. Glance at the chamber to verify that it is empty. Close the chamber. Take the position of raise PISTOL and squeeze the trigger. Then insert an empty magazine. • 44. To INSPECT PISTOL–The commands are: 1. INSPECTION, 2. PISTOL. (The pistol is inspected mounted only at mounted guard mounting. The magazine is not withdrawn.) At the command PISTOL, take the position of raise PISTOL. After the pistol has been inspected, or on command it is returned. 25

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