AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 magazine in such a way that the firer cannot know the order in which the cartridges are placed. (2) The coach must watch the man closely, and each time he is seen to flinch, whether on a loaded or a dummy car- tridge, the coach should caution him. (3) When the hammer falls on a dummy cartridge the firer grasps the slide with his left hand, pulls it fully back. and releases it. This ejects the dummy and loads another cartridge. The time limit must be extended to compensate for the time lost in ejecting the dummy cartridges. It should not take more than 2 seconds to eject a dummy cartridge and resume the aiming position. g. Coaching quick fire.–(1) The use of dummy cartridges and the coaching methods are the same in quick fire as in rapid fire. (2) The occasional use of dummy cartridges in both rapid fire and quick fire should be continued throughout the entire period of instruction practice. • 56. Safety Precautions on the range.-a Never place a loaded magazine in the pistol until you have taken your place at the firing point. b. Always remove the magazine and unload the pistol before leaving the firing point. c. Always hold the loaded pistol at the position of raise pistol except while aiming. d. When firing ceases temporarily, lock the piece and hold it at raise pistol DO not assume any position except raise pistol without first removing the magazine and unloading. e. If one or more cartridges remain unfired at the end of a rapid-fire or quick-fire score, remove the magazine and unload immediately. 57. Range organization.-a. The work on the range should be so organized that no men are idle for any length of time. A good arrangement is four or six orders per target. It should never be necessary to assign more than six orders. If there is not a sufficient number of targets to provide for this, the extra men should remain off the range and be given other instruction. b. One method is to have a line of pistol targets on a flank of each firing point of the rifle range, so arranged

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