AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 • 36. To return PISTOL–The commands are: 1. return, 2. PISTOL. At the command PISTOL, lower the pistol to the hoister, reversing it, muzzle down, back of the hand to the right; raise the flap of the holster with the right thumb; insert the pistol in the hoister and thrust it home; button the flap of the holster with the right hand. • 3″/. To fire the pistol.-fully LOADED with ball am- munition.-squeeze the trigger for each shot. When the last cartridge has been fired the slide will remain in the rear position with the chamber open. SECTION III MOUNTED • 38. GENERAL rules.-The following movements are exe- cuted as when dismounted: raise PISTOL, RETURN PISTOL, CLOSE CHAMBER, TO FIRE THE PISTOL. The mounted movements may be practiced when dismounted by first cautioning, “Mounted position.” The right foot is then carried 20 inches to the right and the left hand to the position of the bridle hand. Whenever the pistol is lowered into the bridle hand, the movement is executed by rotating the barrel to the right. Grasp the slide in the full grip of the left hand, thumb ex- tending along the slide, back of the hand down, barrel down and pointing upward and to the left front. • 39. To withdraw the magazine.-lower the pistol into the bridle hand. Press the magazine catch with the forefinger of the right hand, palm of the hand over the base of the magazine to prevent it from springing out; withdraw the magazine and place it in the belt or pocket. • 40. To open the chamber.-Withdraw the magazine. Grasp the stock with the right hand, back of the hand down, thrust forward and upward with the right hand, and engage the slide stop by pressure of the right thumb. • 41. To insert a magazine.-Lower the pistol into the bridle hand. Extra magazines should be carried in the belt with the projection on the base pointing to the left. Grasp the magazine with the tip of the right forefinger on the projection, withdraw it from the belt, and insert it In the pistol. Press it fully home.

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