AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 to know how to aim, how to grasp the pistol, how to hold the breath properly, and the correct position of the body with relation to the target. (1) How to grasp the pistol.-(a) To take the grip, hold the pistol in the left hand and force the grip safety device down and back into the crotch formed between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. The thumb is carried parallel with or slightly higher than the forefinger; it should FIGURE 10.-Sighting exercise. never be lower. Close the three lower fingers on the stock firmly but not with a tense grip (fig. 11). (b) The thumb and forefinger squeeze the frame of the pistol, but the ball of the thumb does not always touch the pistol, depending on the conformation of the man’s hand. By this pressure movement to the right or left is controlled, and the trigger squeeze can be better applied and coordinated.

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