AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL .45, M1911 AND M1911A1 (5) Show how to tie the cord to the thumbpiece of the hammer and cause each man to adjust his cord. (6) Demonstrate the method of cocking the pistol by means of the cord and explain how this simulates the self- loading action of the pistol. (7) Show how the pistol is kept as nearly on the mark as possible during the whole score. Caution the men to avoid unnecessary flourishes or movements between shots. (8) Demonstrate- (a) The action of the pistol in recoil when a shot is fired. (b) How the arm should not be permitted to bend at the elbow. (c) How the pistol should move upward through a small arc and be deflected from the original point of aim only a short distance. (d) How the forefinger should move forward after the explosion only far enough to allow the sear to become re- engaged and immediately thereafter start pressing the trig- ger for the next shot. (e) How the eye should not be allowed to close when the explosion occurs. (f) How the breath should be held for each shot. (9) (a) The above demonstrations having been completed, the men are placed in front of the line of targets in pairs, one to practice and one to coach, The exercise is then carried on exactly the same as rapid fire in range practice. If a line of disappearing targets has been arranged for this exercise the targets appear, remain in sight the allotted time, and then disappear. While the targets are in sight each man undergoing instruction attempts to fire five shots (sim- ulated fire), cocking the piece for each shot except the first by a jerk of the cord with the left hand. (b) If the targets are stationary the exercise begins with the command: 1. COMMENCE 2. FIRING, and ends with the command: 1. CEASE, 2. FIRING. (c) After each three or four scores of simulated fire the men of each pair are directed to change places, the firer becoming the coach and the coach becoming the firer. (10) (a) In this exercise the coach carefully watches the man and corrects all errors in grip, position, trigger squeeze,

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