AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 full extent (fig. 6). Release the slide and engage the safety lock. • 34. To UNLOAD pistol.-The commands are: 1. unload. 2. PISTOL. At the command PISTOL, withdraw the maga- zine. Open the chamber as prescribed in paragraph 30. Glance at the chamber to verify that It is empty. Close the chamber. Take the position of Raise PISTOL and squeeze the’ trigger. Then insert an empty magazine. figure 6.-Manual of the pistol (dismounted). • 35. TO INSPECT PISTOL (fig. 6).–The commands are: I. INSPECTION, 2, Pistol. At the command PISTOL. withdraw the magazine. Open the chamber as prescribed in para- graph 30. Take the position of raise PISTOL. The with- drawn magazine is held in the open left hand at the height of the belt. After the pistol has been inspected, or at the command 1. RETURN, 2. PISTOL, close the chamber, take the position of Raise. PISTOL, and squeeze the trigger. Insert an empty magazine and execute return pistol

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