AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 aligned, and he must hold the pistol while aiming so as to see the sights in the same way. Q. Adjust the sights of this sighting bar so that they are in proper alignment with each other. (Verified by instructor.) Q. Now that the sights are properly adjusted, have the small bull’s-eye moved until the sights are aimed at it properly. (Verified by instructor.) Q. Tell me what is wrong with this aim. (The instructor now adjusts the sights of the sighting bar on the bull’s-eye with various very slight errors, requiring the man to point out the error.) Q. Show me how you grip the stock of the pistol. Q. Show me the position you take when you are going to shoot. Q. How do you squeeze the trigger? A. I squeeze it with such a steady increase of pressure as not to know exactly when the hammer will fall Q. If the sights get slightly out of alignment while you are squeezing the trigger, what do you do? A. I hold the pres- sure I have on the trigger and only go on with the increase of pressure when the sights become aligned again. Q. If you do this can your shot be a bad one? A. No. Q. Why? A. Because I cannot flinch for I do not know when to flinch, and the sights will always be lined up with the bull’s-eye when the shot is fired because I never increase the pressure on the trigger except when the sights are properly aligned. Q. When you are practicing in slow fire and your arm becomes unsteady and your aim uncertain, what should you do? ,4. I should come back to raise pistol without firing the shot and then try again after a short rest. Q. If it is impossible for you to hold the pistol very steady, can you still do good shooting? A. Yes; if I press the trigger properly. Q. Tell me why that is. A. Because the natural unsteadi- ness of the arm moves the whole pistol and the barrel remains nearly parallel to the line of sight. But if I give the trigger a sudden pressure the front end of the barrel win be thrown out of line with the target, and the bullets will strike far out from the mark.

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