AUTOMATIC PISTOL, CAL..45, M1911 AND M1911A1 6-7 b. Damp air and sweaty hands are great promoters of rust. The pistols should be cleaned and protected after every drill or handling. Special precautions are necessary when the pistols have been used on rainy days and after tours of guard duty. c. To clean the pistol rub it with a rag which has been lightly oiled and then clean with a perfectly dry rag. Swab the bore with an oily flannel patch and then with a per- fectly dry one. Dust out all crevices with a small, clean brush. d. Immediately after cleaning, to protect the pistol swab the bore thoroughly with a flannel patch saturated with sperm oil, wipe over all metal parts with an oily rag, apply- ing a few drops of light oil (sperm oil) to all cams and work- ing surfaces of the mechanism. e. After cleaning and protecting the pistol, place it in the pistol rack without any covering whatever. The use of can- vas or similar covers is prohibited, as they collect moisture and rust the metal parts. While barracks are being swept, pistol racks will be covered with a piece of canvas to protect the pistols from dust. • 7. CARE AND CLEANING AFTER FIRING.–a. When a pistol has been fired the bore will be cleaned thoroughly not later than the evening of the day on which it is fired. Thereafter it will be cleaned and oiled each day for at least the next three succeeding days. b. To clean the bore after firing, first remove the slide and barrel, insert the muzzle of the barrel in a vessel containing hot water and issue soap, hot water alone, or cold water; the cleaning rod with a cloth patch assembled ls inserted in the breech and moved forward and back for about 1 minute, pumping the water in and out of the bore. When the bore is wet, a brass or bronze wire brush, If available, should be run all the way through the bore, then all the way back three or four times. Water should again be pumped through the bore. Then wipe the cleaning rod dry, remove the barrel from the water, and using dry, clean flannel patches thoroughly swab the bore until it is perfectly dry and clean. Examine the bore carefully for metal fouling

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