by Geno Benelli
As a firearms instructor I have the good fortune (generally) to test fire hundreds of guns each year for reliability and accuracy. I try and maintain good notes on particular guns and ammunition that prove to be compatible so that I can pass this information along to my students. Here is a review of my own personal firearm, a Wilson 1911 CQB:
- It is a 5″ with green/black armor tuff finish.
- Standard length recoil guide.
- @ 4 lb trigger pull, clean, no creep
- Combat Pyramid night sights
- Well executed 30LPI on Frontstrap/30 LPI on flat MSH
- 4300 rounds fired with NO failures to feed or fire
- Ammuntion used includes 2000 rds of factory Winchester, Federal and S & B
- Reloads include 2200 rds of reloads loaded on my Dillon to the following specs (230 grn. FMJ, WW 231 powder, OAL 1.255″, case mouth diameter of .469″, assorted brass)
- 100 rds of Federal Hydra-Shock
- I generally train at 50 feet and less using standard IDPA targets, with interactive timed to turn targets
- Standard groups at 50′ are generally 1-2″ at slow fire
- I change springs every 2000 rounds, clean the gun every 500 rounds and lubricate as needed.
There’s not much more that I can say except the CQB is one of three guns that I own that I would trust my life to on any occasion (the others are my Glock 36 and my S & W 686)
For additional versatility and fun I sometimes slip on the carbine conversion which takes about 5 minutes and is remarkably accurate with a Hakko red dot system. The CQB is an absolute 10.
Comments, suggestions, contributions? Let me know