Academics Say Gun Laws Counter Productive – This is the text of a letter sent to members of Congress by 290 scholars who say more gun controls are not the answer to the nation’s crime problems.
Armed Females of America – Pro Gun Women on Full Auto
Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms – We’re willing to comment on our critics’ views and positions, fill in reporters on the facts about the gun lobby and the issue of gun control, those who’d like to take a swipe at us and the Second Amendment. So when you think of the gun lobby, think of us. And when you think First Amendment, call us, too. We’re rabid on the rights of gun owners to speak their piece.
Clayton Cramer’s Primary Historical Sources – Lot’s of good stuff here on the history of firearms legislation, race issues and guns, militia, court decisions, and revolutionary history. Cramer is the historian who debunked the lying Michael Bellisles
Dave Kopel’s web site – Dave Kopel is one of my favorite intellectual ammunition producers. If you haven’t read Dave’s work yet, you should.
Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws – Our mission is to educate our fellow doctors and their patients, the public, about gun laws that are counterproductive and the deceitful tactics of those who advocate gun control. We offer a healthy dose of common sense to the national gun debate by shedding light on what gun laws are sensible, and which ones most certainly are not.
Firearms Coalition – Neal Knox’s Site. Neal Knox was a prominent figure in the firearms rights movement for over 30 years reporting on the state of gun rights since the debates over the Gun Control Act of 1968. A gun writer, competitive shooter, and hunter, Knox combined a vast knowledge of firearms with a political reporter’s eye for the facts. His sons, Jeff and Chris carry on the work.
GunCite – An excellent collection of RKBA and 2nd Amendment info, studies, and fact.
Gun Control: White Man’s Law – Article on the racist and elitist roots of gun control by William R. Tonso.
Gun Control and the Second Amendment – Articles and links on gun control, the Second Amendment, and gun control laws.
Gun Facts – A 70+ page e-book that explodes the most common gun control myths. Download it, email it to your friends, politicians, and the local media. Print copies and leave them on the city bus or local lunch counter.
Gun Laws, Gun Rights and Gun Control – On The Jurist from the Pittsburg School of Law
Gun Rights Archives on – Collection of RKBA articles
Of Holocausts and Gun Control by Daniel D. Polsby – A little long but worth the read
KC3’s State and Local RKBA Organization Links
KC3’s National RKBA Organization Links
Neal Knox’s Firearms Coalition – If you want to stay informed on RKBA and 2nd Amendment issues, Neal is one of the best primary sources. This site also contains the archive of his e-mail alerts which I find invaluable.
NRA “Write Your Reps” Tool – This is a very handy and functional online utility to find your representatives, their e-mail addresses and send them mail.
Oleg Volk’s RKBA Site – Oleg is an artist and photographer who has put together a visually appealing and conceptually compelling site–a must see.
Right to Arms: USA – Dave Kopel’s Second Amendment Page
Second Amendment Foundation – The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms. To that end, we carry on many educational and legal action programs designed to better inform the public about the gun control debate
Second Amendment Rights by Dr. Alan Keyes – One of the best statements of the significance of the Second Amendment and the RKBA that I have read.
Second Amendment Sisters – Second Amendment Sisters, Inc. is a women’s advocacy group dedicated to preserving the basic human right to self-defense, as recognized by the Second Amendment.
The False Promise of Gun Control – An articulate exposition of the fallacies and deception of the gun control movement.
The Founders’ Constitution – An online collection of texts from the founders of the United States which shows their thinking and intent as they developed the United States Constitution.
The Independence Institute – Think tank and online home of Dave Kopel, an eloquent advocate for the Second Amendment and RKBA
What did the Founders mean by “Militia”? Get it from the horse’s mouth. The Founders knew the difference between a militia and a standing army.
Comments, suggestions, contributions? Let me know